A Gospel Meeting
By Joe R. Price
A ssembling ourselves together (Hebrews 10:25)
G ather to hear God's word (Acts 10:33)
O pportunity to grow in grace and knowledge (2 Peter 3:18)
S aving power of the gospel (Romans 1:16)
P reaching the word (2 Timothy 4:2)
E difying the saints through the gospel of Christ (Acts 20:32)
L ooking unto Jesus (Hebrews 12:1-2)
M inding the things of the Spirit (Romans 8:5)
E xposing the works of darkness (Ephesians 5:11)
E ndurance unto eternal salvation (Hebrews 10:36-39)
T aking time to be holy (1 Peter 1:13-17)
I nterceding in prayer (1 Timothy 2:1)
N ow is the day of salvation (2 Corinthians 6:2)
G o therefore, and teach all nations (Matthew 28:19)
Dear Wayward Member and Any Who Have Not
Obeyed the Gospel!
Author Unknown (Edited)
Don’t wait until the hearse hauls you to the church building!
If you do...
· You will go, regardless of the weather.
· You will go, regardless of the condition of your body.
· There will probably be beautiful flowers there, but you won’t enjoy them.
· You will go, regardless of how your family feels.
· The preacher may say many good things, but you won’t hear them.
· There will be beautiful singing, but you won’t hear it.
· There will be heartfelt prayers, but they will not touch your heart.
· Friends and relatives will be there, but you won’t see them or worship with them.
· You will go, no matter how many hypocrites are there.
· You will go, no matter how much you are needed at home or at work.
· You will go, no matter what you had planned.
· You will receive no benefit from the service.
· You won’t feel concerned about your clothes.
· You will never again have to decide whether to attend worship services or not.
· You won’t complain about the length of the sermon.
· You won’t be distracted by what’s going on around you.
· And for the first time, you can truly say “I didn’t get anything out of the service.”
Please don’t wait until being in the Lord’s house can’t do you any good! Why not make the choice today to obey the gospel of Christ and be with God’s people so you can benefit from the worship services and be granted the promise of eternal life? God leaves this choice to you and me.
Rock Throwers From Way Back
By Warren Berkley
If you watched the classic Andy Griffith TV Show, you remember Barney, Thelma Lou, Opie, and Goober. How about Earnest T. Bass? He appeared in several episodes, always in trouble for throwing rocks or bricks. “Bless his heart,” Andy once said, “he’s so ignorant, all he knows to do is throw rocks.” We laugh.
However, while not that dramatic, we all know people who are ignorant and immature. Their only reaction to what they don’t like is to throw an insult or spit out some abusive description. In acting that way, they identify themselves with a long line of “rock throwers.”
I was teaching from John chapter eight a few days ago. As I was wrapping up the class period, I said to my class: “Here is a chapter that starts and ends with rocks (see John 8:5 and John 8:59). In between, the scribes and Pharisees show their real father is not Abraham or God, but the devil. They also show they are related to Earnest T. Bass.” Those in the class familiar with the Andy Griffith series loved it. But after we laugh, we can reflect.
The scribes and Pharisees referred to in John chapter eight boasted of their connection to Abraham. Jesus answered, your efforts to kill me do not reflect any influence of Abraham (John 8:39). After that, they claim God as their Father. Jesus said, “If God were your Father, you would love me” (John 8:42). Then Jesus kindled a shorter fuse when He said, “You are of your Father, the devil…” (John 8:44). Jesus went on to affirm His divine existence before Abraham was. He said, “Before Abraham was, I am.” This is where they identify with Earnest T. “They picked up stones to throw at him.”
Our behavior identifies us with others (good or bad). Ultimately, Christians should exhibit behavior that identifies them with God and His Son. Is God really your Father? Is there behavior to prove it?
I Study My Bible Like I Plow My Field
Author Unknown
A farmer explained: “I study my Bible like I plow my field. Oftentimes when I’m plowing or breaking new ground, my plow will get hung under a root, and if I’m going at a pretty good clip it will really jar me. But I don’t get mad and beat my mule and burn my plow. No, I just back up a little, ease over the root and get on with my plowing. Next time around I’ll probably hit that root again and it still shakes me up, but I don’t quit farming. I just back up, ease over the root and keep on working. Pretty soon I have hit that root so many times that it’s loose and the first thing you know I plow right through it and don’t even notice it. I’ve got it shook loose.
That’s the way I study the Bible. When I come upon a hard passage, it might shake me up a little bit, but I don’t throw away my Bible and quit the Lord on that account. I just ease over it and keep on studying. The next time I read that passage I jar it a little bit more. I keep on doing this until finally, because of information that I have gathered from other parts of the Bible I am able to jar the passage loose. I understand it.”